© Formactual Projects Ltd t/a PTT


dyskans LMS


Learning management is a key aspect of an e-learning or a blended learning approach to training. 
It allows training provision to be focussed on the needs of individuals or groups of trainees and allows managers to measure training success. 
The dyskans® learning management system (LMS) provides easy access to training and a full range of training management tools.



Providing access to training

dyskans® intuitive interface allows trainees to concentrate on learning.
Apart from online courses, dyskans can offer online access to a tutor and supporting training materials.
Trainees can be presented with a targeted set of courses at an individual or group level.



Monitoring trainee success

dyskans provides a targeted set of training administration facilities and provides all the information you need to judge the effectiveness of your online learning intervention.

PTT online courses include multiple-choice assessments at the end of each module.

Statistics gathered by dyskans include how many learners complete a course, the time spent studying, and the results of assessments for each trainee.

Integration with your HR system

PTT can provide the necessary software interfaces to integrate your existing talent management and HR software with the dyskans LMS.
Then you can monitor the use of PTT courses from your existing HR system while having access to the detailed training activity reports from dyskans.

We can also provide a gateway to PTT courses through a mobile learning platform.